Limited-Time Offer: Up to $750 or 1-Month FREE!
Move-in by 8/31/24 to unlock these exclusive deals:
$750 OFF or 1-MONTH FREE rent
$200 Admin Fee WAIVED
Hurry! This offer is available for select apartment homes and only on 13-, 14-, or 15-month leases.
Certain restrictions apply.
Contact our Leasing Specialist for details today!
Preferred Employers Program
We are
pleased to offer a Preferred Employers Program to applicants who work for the
following companies:
Emergency Services – Police, Fire, Emergency
Military - Active Duty & Retired
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist
Novant Health
Reynolds American
Wake Forest University Faculty & Staff
Wells Fargo
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools
Winston-Salem State University Faculty & Staff
*Must present current proof of
employment. Offer is subject to change.